
Authorisation for use of seals of a special type

The authorisation enables economic operators that are also authorised consignors to seal the vehicle and release the goods to the transit procedure, without first presenting the goods at a customs office.

Authorisation code: SSE

Means of transport should be sealed as a rule. Exceptions include easily identified goods (e.g., goods with serial numbers, that are easily counted and identifiable using accompanying documents).

Who is eligible to be authorised?

Swedish Customs can issue an authorisation for seals of a special type when the following criteria are met:

  • The company must have an EORI number.
    Find out more and apply for an EORI number.
  • The company should be establised in the EU.
  • The company should regularly use the seals of a special type.
  • Swedish Customs should have the means to perform customs supervision without requiring administrative arrangements that are not in proportion with any benefits derived from the authorisation by the company. The company should ensure that it is able to correctly execute the procedure, for example by demonstrating that it has documented manuals for the practical execution of the procedure.
  • The company must meet the compliance criterion in article 39 (a) of the Union Customs Code.
    The compliance criterion (in Swedish).
  • The company must meet the accounting and logistics system criterion in article 39 b of the Union Customs Code.
    The accounting criterion (in Swedish).
  • The company must meet the competence criterion in article 39 d of the Union Customs Code.
    The competence criterion (in Swedish).

What should seals look like?

Customs seals should have the following basic properties and meet the following minimum criteria:


  • The should remain intact and secure in normal use.
  • They should be easy to inspect and recognise.
  • They should be manufactured so that any breakage, manipulation or removal leaves traces that can be seen by the naked eye.
  • They should be designed for single use or, if they are intended to be used multiple times, in such a way that each application is easily identified by a separate identifier.
  • They shall have individual seal identifications that are permanent, clearly legible and individually numbered.

Technical specifications

  • Their shape and size may vary according to the type of seal, but the size shall be such that the identification marks are clearly legible.
  • Their identifiers may not be falsifiable and should be difficult to copy.
  • The material used shall resist accidental breakage and prevent unnoticed counterfeiting or reuse.

If the seals have been certified by a competent body in accordance with International Standard ISO 17712:2013 "Freight containers - Mechanical Seals", they shall be deemed to comply with the above requirements.

Seals that do not have the above-mentioned certificates must be submitted to Customs for approval. Customs may then have the seal tested, which may extend the processing time.

A seal of a particular type must be marked with one of the following information:

  • The name of the person authorised to use the seal.
  • A corresponding abbreviation or code enabling the customs authority of the Member State of departure to identify the person concerned.

How to apply

Apply for authorisation in the EU Customs Decisions System, CDS. This is also where you will receive your decision and any other messages from Swedish Customs with regard to your application.

To access the CDS, you need authorisation to use the online services on tullverket.se. If your company currently does not have access to the online service, please apply immediately, in order to gain access in time to apply for authorisation.

You can find guides here on the website. Please make sure to use the tutorials when completing your application. They contain concrete information about what codes to use in certain fields, etc.

Amending your authorisation

If you need to make amendments in your authorisation, please use Swedish Customs’ Decision System (CDS). To access the system, you need authorisation to use the online services on tullverket.se.

You can find guides here on the website. Please make sure to use the tutorials when completing your application. They contain concrete information about what codes to use in certain fields, etc.

Applicable provisions