
Operating authorisation for transports between Sweden and Norway

An operating authorisation gives transport undertakings the option of passing through unmanned border crossings, or manned customs offices outside of opening hours.

If you import or export goods from or to Norway, you are normally required to declare your goods at a manned customs office. There are not very many customs offices along the Norwegian border, which may add long transport distances for customs declarations.

An operating authorisation (decision to derogate from the route and time) allows transport undertakings to pass through border crossings without a manned customs office.


To obtain a decision on an operating authorisation, you must carry out regular transport operations that

  • are carried out over a short distance that provides economic and environmental benefits
  • contain uniform goods that are not packaged as general cargo and are not subject to import restrictions
  • where the level of customs duties, taxes and other charges justifies not passing through a manned customs office
  • fulfil the export conditions of the exporting country.

In addition to the common criteria, the respective criteria of each country must be met.

For Sweden, the following applies:

  • The applicant should have a valid EORI. Apply for an EORI number (in Swedish).
  • The importer or the representative should be authorised for deferment of payment.
  • The company or representative should submit the customs declarations digitally.
  • Provide the following information in your application:

Traffic permits already granted are valid until they expire

Operating authorisations with decisions on route and time derogations were previously called traffic permits (road traffic between Sweden and Norway, with decisions on route and time derogations).

If you have a current traffic permit, it is not affected and you can use it until it expires.

Apply for an operating authorisation

You can apply for an operating authorisation for one year at a time. There is no application fee. The application is made by completing the form Application for operating authorisation, road traffic between Sweden and Norway. The application should be signed by an authorised company signatory and sent to Swedish Customs.

In exceptional cases, you can also apply for an oral operating authorisation according to the above criteria. For such applications, contact the relevant clearance office directly. Please note that oral authorisation is not granted on a recurring basis, so you must apply in advance for a period of up to one year.

The Norwegian customs authority issues operating authorisations for transports to Norway and Swedish Customs issues operating authorisation for transports to Sweden. Please contact Tollvesenets Infosenter (Norwegian Customs) on +47 22 86 03 12 for information about their authorisations.


The “Fordonsanmälan/avisering/begäran om klarering” (Vehicle declaration/notification/request for customs clearance) form should be submitted to tv.trafiktillstand.imp@tullverket.se.