Swedish Customs is organised into four operational departments and six other departments, with a total of approximately 2,500 employees. We operate throughout the country and have offices from Kiruna to Trelleborg.

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Swedish Customs is headed by a Director General. A Deputy Director-General takes over this role whenever necessary.
Immediately under the Director General, there are the Executive Office and Internal Audit functions as well as a head of security.
Swedish Customs’ has four nationally-run operational departments:
- Controls Department,
- Revenue Department,
- Intelligence Department,
- Criminal Investigation Department.
In their turn, these core operational departments are each divided into four geographic areas – South, West, East and North.
Other departments are:
- Administration Department,
- Finance Department,
- IT Department,
- Human Resources,
- Communications & PR,
- Legal Department.
Management Group
The Director General is the head of Swedish Customs. The Management Group provides direct support for the director general.
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