Nothing but legal goods across our borders
Swedish Customs are working for a society free of goods that endanger the environment and human health and security, and where businesses compete on equal terms.

Dangerous industrial spirits
During a raid on a liquor warehouse in Sundbyberg, Swedish Customs seized almost 1,400 litres of fake vodka. Swedish Customs now warns that potentially dangerous industrial spirits in fake vodka bottles are being sold to young buyers.
Selected content for private individuals
Shopping online
PrivateWhen you buy goods online from another country, the applicable rules vary depending on what you order and from which country the goods are coming.

Buying goods in another country
PrivateWhen you have been shopping abroad, different rules apply depending on what goods you have bought and which country you are travelling from.

Travelling with animals
PrivateIt is important that animals travelling across borders are not carrying infectious diseases.
Selected content for business
Importing goods
BusinessThe term "import" means bringing goods into the European Union (EU) from a country outside the EU.

Exporting goods
BusinessThe term "export" means sending goods to a country outside the European Union (EU).

About us

Swedish Customs
Mission and Vision
Swedish Customs has a mandate from the Swedish Parliament and Government to collect customs duties, VAT and other charges.
Swedish Customs is organised into four operational departments and six other departments, with a total of approximately 2,500 employees. We operate throughout the country and have offices from Kiruna to Trelleborg.
Contact us
Call, email or visit us. If you have seen, or are aware of, any suspicious activity, please do not hesitate to contact us.