EDI – Order the Company Signature Certificate
Here you will find information on how to order the Company Signature Certificate to be able to submit EDI-messages to Swedish Customs.
This information applies both to new companies that want to begin using EDI and companies that need to renew their signature certificates.
It is only your company's registered contact persons for signature certificates who may order a new certificate.
EDI – Signature certificates and registration of contact person
Without a valid Company Signature Certificate all your EDI messages will be rejected by our EDI-system and your company’s transaction flow will be disrupted. Make sure the company has procedures to ensure you order new Company Signature Certificates in time. The certificate is valid for 14 months and must be renewed.
How to order the Company Signature Certificate
The Company Signature Certificate is ordered from Swedish Customs through a web service or by mail and email.
To access our web service Certifikatbeställning (in Swedish) it is necessary to have a Swedish personal identity number and a Swedish electronic identification (eID, currently only Swedish BankID).
For every new certificate a new CSR file must be created. Your system supplier can provide information on how to create a CSR file in your system.
- Submit the content of the CSR file by email to Swedish Customs. State the company name and EORI number as title in the email.
- Send the email to edi.certifikat@tullverket.se.
- Copy the content of the CSR file in a document with the title: Order signature certificate. State the company name and EORI number. The printed document should be signed by the contact person authorised to administer signature certificates. The name should also be stated in block letters. Send the original document by post to:
Swedish Customs IT department
Aurorum 3
SE-977 75 Luleå
This procedure must be followed to ensure that Swedish Customs may legally verify that the contact person is connected with the issued signature certificate.
- If your documents are correct we will send a confirmation to the contact person's registered email. The confirmation contains a specified code.
- Reply to the email and state the given code.
- When Swedish Customs receives your confirmation, the certificate is issued and sent by email to the contact person.
- You install the received certificate in the company's system.
Questions or problems?
For questions or problems, contact EDI Certificate at edi.certifikat@tullverket.se.
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