Narcotics, doping agents (hormone preparations) and other substances of abuse are examples of drugs that may only be brought into Sweden in accordance with special rules.
In the Drugs Situation report (Swedish only), you can read about: the narcotics market in Sweden; the strategic picture of criminality behind narcotics crimes; and, the international crime phenomenon that, for the most part, controls access to drugs in Sweden. (2013 – 2016)
Previous drugs situation reports (in swedish)
- The Drugs Situation report (2013-2016)
- The Drugs Situation report (2010–2012)
- The Drugs Situation report (2008–2009)
Swedish Customs combats the smuggling of drugs that it is prohibited to bring into Sweden and carries out checks in respect of drugs whose importation is subject to conditions. A condition for importation could be, for example, that authorisation is required.
All use of narcotics that is not for scientific or medicinal purposes is prohibited in Sweden. Just as bringing narcotics into Sweden is prohibited, so also are possessing narcotics (even for personal use), carrying narcotics across Sweden’s border, manufacturing or growing narcotics, selling, giving away or loaning narcotics and driving a vehicle while under the influence of drugs.
Preparations that are classed in Sweden as narcotics, medicines or doping agents (hormone preparations), but which are not so classed in another country (regardless of whether or not it is an EU country), fall under Swedish legislation when they are being imported into, or handled in, Sweden.
- Lagen (1992:860) om kontroll av narkotika (information about Sweden’s narcotic drug controls act in Swedish)
- Narkotikastrafflagen (1968:64) (information about Sweden's penal law on narcotics in Swedish)
- Förordning (1992:1554) om kontroll av narkotika (information about Sweden’s narcotic drug controls ordinance in Swedish)
Goods that are hazardous to health
Goods that, owing to their inherent properties, present a hazard to human life or health and which are used, or can be assumed to be used, to achieve intoxication or other similar effect.
Lagen (2011:111) om förstörande av vissa hälsofarliga missbrukssubstanser (information about Sweden’s prohibition of certain goods that are hazardous to health act in Swedish)
Doping agents
Other than for medicinal or scientific use, you may not carry doping agents. Nor may you receive or send doping agents in parcels.
The following are classed as doping agents: anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs), testosterone, growth hormone and other chemical substances that increase production or release of testosterone and/or growth hormone.
Lagen (1991:1969) om förbud mot vissa dopningsmedel (information about Sweden’s prohibition of certain doping agents act in Swedish).
Substances of abuse
By law, Swedish Customs is entitled to seize and destroy substances of abuse that are not yet classed as narcotics or goods that are hazardous to health. The relevant act enables customs officers and policemen to seize substances that themselves contain substances not yet classified as narcotics or goods that are hazardous to health, but which it may be presumed will be so classified.
Lagen (2011:111) om förstörande av vissa hälsofarliga missbrukssubstanser (information about Sweden’s destruction of certain substances of abuse that are hazardous to health act in Swedish.
Classification of new substances
In Sweden, the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Medical Products Agency are responsible for classifying narcotics, doping agents, medicines and goods that are hazardous to health. New chemical substances are being developed all the time and, even if they are largely identical to existing substances, their classification is a major task.
The classification of narcotics (information from the Public Health Agency of Sweden).
The classification of narcotics (information from the Swedish Medical Products Agency).
Online drugs
An online drug is a drug, or a substance with a similar effect, that is bought or sold online. Online drugs may be classed as narcotics, doping agents, other goods that are hazardous to health or substances of abuse.
Swedish Customs’ seizure statistics for narcotics (information in Swedish).
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