Product safety
Products released on the EU market must be safe to use. You can here read about the special rules that apply to product safety.
Product safety involves safety requirements for all products that are intended for consumers and sold commercially. This applies to both new and second-hand products.
The safety requirements are set out in a host of EU directives. These are one of the bases for CE marking. The CE mark is a symbol certifying that a product is safe. Checking of the safety requirements is taken care of a by a number of market surveillance authorities in their market surveillance activities.
The purposes of market surveillance are to: guarantee safety, health and consumer protection; and, counteract the distortion of competition.
What can Swedish Customs do?
Swedish Customs is entitled to stop suspicious goods at the border. We can detain goods in this way at the request of a market surveillance authority. The market surveillance authority’s decisions and powers always determine what is to happen with the products in question. As an importer, you always have to bear the extra costs that may arise in connection with the detention of goods.
Buying hazardous products
You must always be careful when buying goods from third countries, especially if they are from a seller you have never previously bought from. Ask the manufacturer or the seller if, for use in EU countries, the product has to be CE marked and, if so, is it already marked.
If you, as a private individual, use unsafe goods that you bring in, there is a risk that they may harm you and your family.
Market surveillance
Market surveillance aims to guarantee safety, health and consumer protection. It also seeks to counteract the distortion of competition between companies. In Sweden, market surveillance is carried out by a number of authorities (so-called market surveillance authorities).
Market surveillance at marknadskontroll.se
Sweden’s national accreditation body (Swedac)
Swedac is the public authority in charge of coordinating Swedish market surveillance. Coordination is exercised via, amongst other bodies, Sweden’s Market Surveillance Council. This comprises representatives from various authorities, Swedish Customs being one of these.
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