Personal data when providing tips about offences
Swedish Customs may process personal data received in connection with tips about smuggling or customs offences in both administrative and law enforcement activities.
Legal basis and purpose
Swedish Customs processes the personal data you provide to us in connection with tips about customs offences and smuggling in order to be able to carry out our task of preventing, preventing and investigating offences.
Applicable provisions
- Act (2018:1694) on Swedish Customs' processing of personal data in the field of the Criminal Data Act
- Criminal Data Act (2012:1177)
- Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400)
- The principle of public access to official documents
The length of time for which personal data may be processed in law enforcement activities is determined, among other things, by the limitation period of the offence or whether or not a preliminary investigation has been opened. The length of time for which the data may be processed in law enforcement activities is specifically regulated in Chapter 4 of the Act (2018:1694) on Swedish Customs' processing of personal data in the field of the Criminal Data Act and in the Criminal Data Act (2018:1177). Swedish Customs will not process personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose of the processing. In some cases, data may be retained for a longer period if it is processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest.
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