Procedure for submitting an entry summary declaration
Goods entering the European Community must be declared in advance and within a specified time-frame, using an entry summary declaration.
The image below describes how to submit an entry summary declaration. Under the image, you can read descriptions of what happens in each step.

Click on the image to enlarge.
1. Submitting an entry summary declaration
Before the goods are sent to the EU, they should be included in an entry summary declaration. The deadline for submitting an entry summary declaration depends on how the goods are transported to the EU.
A declarant may hire an agent, who will handle their communications with Swedish Customs. The agent acts on behalf of the declarant.
2. Receiving an entry summary declaration
The Common Repository receives the standard customs declaration and verifies that the information has been entered correctly.
In the event of errors, the customs declaration will be stopped. A message will be sent to inform the information provider that the customs declaration cannot be processed.
If the information is correct, a message will be sent to the information provider to inform the information provider that the declaration has been received.
In the next step, the system will cross-check the information against TARIC and applicable authorisations.
If any if these entries are incorrect, for example, if a commodity code that does not exist in TARIC is used, a message will be sent to the information provider to inform them of the errors. The information provider will be given an opportunity to amend the errors and re-submit the customs declaration.
3. Creating a file
The Common Repository generates a file and assigns an Master Reference Number (MRN).
4. Receiving a confirmation of receipt with an MRN.
If the check is successful, an MRN number will be assigned to the customs declaration. The number is sent to the declarant.
5. Receiving an entry summary declaration
The Common Repository identifies which Member States should be included in the joint risk validation and sends the entry summary declaration to the corresponding customs authorities. They will conduct risk analyses and submit their results to the Common Repository.
6. Requesting additional information, where applicable
Swedish Customs may request additional information in the entry summary declaration.
A request for additional information may refer to supporting documents or updates or corrections of information in the current entry supporting documents.
7. Processing requests for additional information
Swedish Customs will submit a request for additional information to the Common Repository, which will generate a message to the information provider.
8. Receiving a request for additional information
The information provider will receive a request for additional information from the Common Repository.
9. Submitting additional information
The information provider will provide the requested information in the entry summary declaration and submit it to the Common Repository.
The Common Repository receives and validates the additional information as in step 2.
11. Receiving the additional information
Swedish Customs will receive the information and perform a risk validation as in step 5.
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