
Future customs procedures

Procedure for TSD on arrival for air consignments

When goods are introduced from third countries you should lodge a presentation notification with Swedish Customs. The goods should be covered by a temporary storage declaration at the time of giving notification.

The image below shows the procedure when a Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD) for air consignments is submitted when the goods arrive. Under the image, you can read descriptions of what happens in each step.

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1. Filing a Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD) on arrival

A TSD is filed on arrival.

2. Receiving the Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD) on arrival

Swedish Customs receives the declaration and validates the content. The declaration is assigned an MRN.

3. Informs that the declaration has been filed

Swedish Customs informs the declarant that the declaration has been assigned the status “Lodged – Presented”.

4. Receives a message that the declaration has been received

The declarant receives the message “Lodged – Presented”.

5. Indicates presented goods

Swedish Customs notifies the holder of the authorisation of the goods that have been presented and that temporary storage has started.

The 90 day countdown begins.

6. Start of storage

The holder of the authorisation receives a message from Swedish Customs with information about what goods are presented.

7. Processes the TSD

Swedish Customs verifies and validates the content of the Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD).

8. Informs that the declaration is approved

Swedish Customs informs the holder of the authorisation that the declaration is approved. The declaration is assigned ‘Lodged – Approved’ status.

9a. Approval of Temporary Storage Declaration (Declarant)

The declarant is informed that the TSD is approved and that the declaration has been given the status ‘Lodged – Approved’.

9b. Approval of Temporary Storage Declaration (Holder of authorisation)

The holder of the authorisation is informed that the TSD is approved and that the declaration has been given the status ‘Lodged – Approved’. Only now can the goods be placed under other customs procedures to end temporary storage.

If discrepancies are detected, either when the goods are inventoried or during the actual storage, the authorisation holder must submit a discrepancy report to notify customs of the discrepancies. It is now possible to move goods using the same authorisation.

Last updated:

What is updated: Linguistic adjustment

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