Future customs procedures
New export system
A new export system for handling export customs declarations will be developed in the context of adapting our export procedures to the new EU legislation.
The new export system brings the following changes:
- Digital processing of export via maritime and air transport.
- Replacement of the Customs IT System and the Export Control System.
- Includes Centralised customs clearance.
Production launch on 1 October
The new export system goes into production on 1 October 2024 with an implementation period until 2 December 2024.
The following parts will be introduced at this time:
- Standard customs declaration
- Simplified declaration and supplementary declaration
- Centralised customs clearance (CCE).
At a later stage, entry in the declarant's records (EIDR), exit summary declaration (SUD) and re-export notification will go into production.
A new procedure in three steps
The new export process consists of data submission in three steps: export declaration, presentation of goods at the office of exit and exit notification of goods.
- Step 1 – Export declaration
The declarant draws up a standard customs declaration and sends the customs declaration digitally to Swedish Customs in message IE515 to release the goods into the export customs procedure. - Step 2 – Presentation of goods to the office of exit
When the goods arrive at the place of exit, the carrier submits an exit notification for the goods to the customs office of exit in message IE507. The notification refers to the MRN of the customs declaration. - Step 3 – Exit notification of goods
When the goods have left the customs territory of the EU, the carrier must notify the customs office of exit that the goods have been removed. This is done with message IE590.
It is important to note that you as an exporter must provide the correct operator with the MRN of the export declaration. The MRN must then be passed on to the operator who submits the notification of exit of goods in step 3. Therefore, as an exporter, you must be aware of which operators provide information in the later steps.
Export to Norway
When exporting to Norway, there are three ways in which you can present goods at the customs office of exit:
- Digitally – Submit your presentation notification to the customs office of exit using message IE507, via the online service or via a system solution prior to your arrival at the custom office of exit. Remember that you still need to visit the customs office at the border to register your import into Norway. Once the goods have left the EU, you should also submit an exit notification (IE590) via the online service or a system solution.
- At the customs office – To present your goods at the customs office, you or your carrier should present the MRN of the export declaration. Thus, ensure that the person transporting the goods across the border has access to the MRN of the export declaration as a bar code. You do not need to submit an exit notification (IE590) digitally when the goods have left the EU as you give notification at a customs office.
- Digital border crossing - When exiting via Svinesund and Örje, it is possible to use digital border crossing to exit Sweden and enter Norway. This means that in most cases the driver can pass the customs offices without stopping. Apply to Norwegian Customs for this option.
If you use transit into Norway, it is not necessary to present a separate exit notification to the customs office of exit.
Diffrent types of datasubmission
The standard customs declaration will be a central part of future export management, but there will also be an option use other solutions for those businesses that need it.
Request an authorised place of removal
If you want to present goods for exit from any other site than a customs office, i.e., from the location where the goods are loaded for removal, you are required to apply to have that site approved. Examples of such locations include air terminals, port terminals, railway terminals and postal terminals. After approval of the application, a location code will be assigned to the terminal. This location code should then be entered in message IE507 (Arrival at exit) under data element 16 15 000 000 Place of storage of goods.
Find out more and submit a request to use an authorised place of removal.
Centralised customs clearance (export)
Centralised clearance export means that a company authorised for centralised clearance (export) (CCL) can send its export customs declarations to a single Member State, regardless of where in the EU the goods are physically located when they are declared for export.
In order to apply for an authorisation for centralised clearance (CCL), the applicant must first hold an Authorised Economic Operator for Customs Simplifications (AEOC) authorisation.
The authorisation for centralised clearance export must requested in the country where the applicant is established. The authorisation shows, for example, the Member States, procedures, declaration types, goods and locations for which it is valid.
It will be possible to apply for an authorisation for centralised clearance (export) until the summer of 2024.
Standard customs declarations
If you have access to all the information necessary when loading the goods, the simplest procedure may be to submit an electronic standard customs declaration.
Simplified export declaration
If you do not have all the information available when the goods are loaded, it will be possible in the future to use a simplified declaration when exporting.
A simplified declaration must be submitted to Swedish Customs when the goods are exported. A supplementary declaration must be submitted no later than 10 days after the simplified declaration was sent to Swedish Customs.
Entry in the declarant's records
It is possible to submit a customs declaration as an entry the declarant’s records. Entries in the declarant's records have limits, as they practically can only be used for exports to Norway. Additionally, all information must be available in the declarant’s records before the goods are loaded and the export procedure may begin.
STC – Data submission in only two steps
The Single Transport Contract (STC) is a simplification where data is submitted in only two steps. A through-bill of lading is required. An STC can be used for transport by sea, air, rail and postal transport.
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