Declaring goods to Swedish Customs – Red, blue or green lane
Goods to which special rules apply can be declared to Swedish Customs by choosing the red, blue or green lane through the surveillance area when you cross the Swedish border. Certain goods can also be declared via the internet.
If you are entering from a country outside the EU, you declare your goods to Swedish Customs by choosing the red or green lane through the surveillance area. If you are entering from another EU country, choose the red or blue lane (instead of the green).
If there is no surveillance area with red, blue or green lanes/signs, you can always declare your goods orally to a customs officer.
If you do not have goods to declare – choose green or blue lane
If you choose the green or the blue lane, you are telling Swedish Customs that you are not carrying any goods above the allowance that you may bring in free of charge.
In the green lane, you walk under a sign with the text “Nothing to declare”. In the blue lane, the sign has an EU symbol and the text “Intra-community travellers only – Nothing to declare”.
If you have goods to declare – choose red lane
If you are carrying goods above the allowance that you may bring in free of charge, you must choose the red lane. Here, you must show your goods to a customs officer. In the red lane, you walk under a sign with the text “Goods to declare”.
If you are uncertain about whether or not you are carrying goods that should be declared to Swedish Customs, you must always choose the red lane.
Goods subject to special rules
No customs officer on duty?
If there is no customs officer on duty, you declare goods in any of the following ways:
- Use the telephone in the red lane of the surveillance area.
- Ring the telephone number stated on a poster in the red lane of the surveillance area.
- Go to the nearest customs clearance office.
- If you are unable to choose the red lane because, for example, you are entering Sweden on a direct train from Denmark, contact a uniformed customs officer on the train. If you do not find a uniformed customs officer on the train, you must ring Swedish Customs’ on-duty officers via +46 8 405 05 70.
Where to find our customs clearance offices.
Declaring goods via the internet
Via the internet, you can declare certain goods to Swedish Customs before you enter. This means that you do not need to select a particular lane when you cross the border. You can choose either green or blue. If you are stopped for a check, you must be able to produce the number you were given when you declared goods via the internet.
Services for private individuals
You may be checked
Swedish Customs may check that you have fulfilled the duty to declare goods. An officer will ask you to stop and will then ask you several questions before checking your luggage or your vehicle. If necessary, the customs officer has the power to conduct a full body search.
If you choose the green or blue lane, but are carrying goods in excess of what you can bring in free of charge, you are guilty of smuggling.
Prohibitions and restrictions
Last updated:
What is updated: New phone number.