Future customs procedures
Customs declarations for imports
A new import system for standard customs declarations has been developed as part of the measure to adapt our import procedures to EU legislation. More types of declarations will be added continuously.
Simplified import declaration
The simplified import declaration is scheduled for launch on 2 September 2024, with an implementation period that runs until 27 September 2024.
The simplified declaration contains less information about your consignment than a standard customs declaration. The remaining information is subsequently provided in a supplementary declaration.
Find out more about simplified declarations.
Compared to the declarations currently in use, significantly fewer data entries are required in the simplified declarations.
Find out more about simplified import declarations.
Entry in the declarant's records (EIDR)
Entry in the declarant's records will be launched on 4 November 2024, with an implementation period until 31 December 2024.
A declaration using entry in the declarant's records contains the same amount of information as a simplified declaration. The remaining information is subsequently provided in a supplementary declaration.
Find out more about entry in the declarant's records (EIDR).
Centralised customs clearance (import)
The centralised customs clearance (import) will go live on 2 June 2025. Centralised clearance means that a company can send import customs declarations to a single Member State, regardless of where in the EU the goods are physically located when presented for import.
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What is updated: Technical change