Rules for personnel aboard aircraft and maritime vessels
If you work, or have carried out work, aboard an aircraft or maritime vessel, you may, subject to special conditions, bring into Sweden goods from a country outside the EU.
If you are a member of the crew of an aircraft or a maritime vessel, you may bring in the same quantities of goods as other passengers without paying any charges provides that you fulfil any one of the following conditions:
- You are about to have an at least 15-day break in your duties (for a holiday or some other type of leave).
- You have, if you are resident in Sweden, been abroad for at least 15 days.
- You have terminated your employment with the airline.
Tobacco free of charges
If you do not fulfil any of the conditions above, you may bring in the following quantities of tobacco without paying any charges:
- 100 cigarettes or 20 cigars or 20 cigarillos or 100 grams of smoking tobacco.
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What is updated: Quality assured