Application for EORI number
Swedish Customs is responsible for issuing EORI numbers in Sweden. An EORI number is assigned after application and your business is registered in Swedish Customs national database.
Applying for and being assigned an EORI number is completely free of charge. If an EORI number is missing during a customs activity, no penalty fee is charged, but you need to apply for an EORI number.
At the same time, the information is transferred to the European Commission EORI database, where customs authorities in all Member States can check the details.
Economic operators established in Sweden, holding at least one valid authorisation issued by Swedish Customs are already registered in our national database and have automatically been assigned an EORI number. Swedish Customs will not send you any notice of this EORI number. The structure of your EORI number is the country code SE followed by your Business Registration Number or, for individuals, your Personal Identity Number – for example SE5512345678.
If you wish to apply in another Member State, you find information on what authority you should contact in National implementation in the different Member States.
How do I apply?
You can apply for an EORI number through the web form, and it is free of charge.
When should I apply?
You must apply for an EORI number before submitting any customs declarations. Electronic declarations will be rejected if there is no EORI number where this is mandatory.
If your first customs related activity is an application for authorisation or a certification, you can apply for an EORI number and the authorisation or certification at the same time.
Most EORI applications are dealt with automatically within one hour. To apply for an EORI number, you will need to verify your identity with an e-ID.
If you apply for an EORI number on behalf of a foreign company there is no requirement for an e-ID, however then the application will be processed manually. If this is the case, it may take up to five business days to receive your EORI number.
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