Export restrictions on Russia
As of 26 February, export restrictions on Russia apply to many goods. Swedish Customs will inspect exports to Russia with enhanced diligence. This may lead to longer processing times than normal.
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the EU has introduced restrictions on the sale, delivery, transfer or export of many goods to Russia as of 26 February 2022.
What goods are affected?
The following are affected by the export ban:
- Any goods and any technologies with dual use in accordance with Annex 1 of Regulation 2021/821;
- Other goods which may contribute to military or technological reinforcements;
- Goods and technologies used for oil refinement;
- Goods and technologies used for aviation and the space industry.
All CN codes affected by the export ban are listed in Tulltaxan (TARIC). Goods with these codes may not be exported to Russia if they belong to any of the goods categories listed above. An export authorisation issued by a competent authority in an EU Member State is required for goods with these CN codes.
Many previously issued authorisations are no longer valid.
Because the sanctions comprise prohibition provisions, most already issued export authorisations for export to Russia of dual-use goods are no longer valid.
Await permission to export prior to sending the consignment
Swedish Customs is currently monitoring exports to Russia with enhanced diligence. This may lead to longer processing times than normal.
Please note that your export must always be approved by Swedish Customs prior to sending your consignment. If goods are exported before they are cleared, Swedish Customs may investigate whether the company has committed a customs violation.
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