
Future customs procedures

Procedure for Presentation Notification for EIDR (Entry in declarant's records)

1. Skapar anmälan av varors ankomst vid registrering i deklarantens bokföring. 2: Tar emot anmälan vid registrering i deklarantens bokföring. 3: Skapar ärende. 4: Får status ingiven och MRN-nummer. 5: Hanterar anmälan. 6: Tar emot meddelanden under handläggning. 7: Beslutar om att frigöra eller inte frigöra varorna. 8: Tar emot beslut. 9: Information om att varorna får lämnas ut.Zoom image

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Declarant – The person making out a customs declaration as an entry in their own records and who submits a Presentation Notification for EIDR, and who submits a supplementary declaration.

The declarant can act as the holder of an authorisation or engage a direct representative with their own EIR authorisation to present the goods to customs and file a supplementary declaration after the presentation notification. A direct representative must have direct access to the declarant’s records to obtain an EIR authorisation.

The ‘declarant’ in the context of entry in the declarant's records is the same as the ‘declarant’ in a customs declaration.

Swedish Customs will communicate with the declarant, regardless of whether the communication takes place directly with the declarant or via the declarant's representative.

Procedure description

1. Creating a Presentation Notification for EIDR

After entering the data from the customs declaration into the declarant's records, the declarant creates an presentation notification and submits it to Swedish Customs. The notification should contain a Local Reference Number (LRN).

A declarant may also engage an representative who will handle their communications with Swedish Customs. The representative acts on behalf of the declarant.

2. Receiving the Presentation Notification for EIDR

Swedish Customs receives the notification and verifies that the information is correctly entered. In the event of errors, the notification will be stopped. A message will be sent to declarant in the declaration that the notification cannot be processed. If the information is correct, a confirmation that the notification has been received will be sent to the declarant in the notification.

In the next step, the system will cross-check the information against applicable authorisations. If there are any errors in this information, a message containing the errors found (received with errors) will be sent to declarant in the notification. The declarant will be given an opportunity to amend the errors and re-submit the notification.

3. Creating file

A file will now be created with Swedish Customs.

4. Registered status and assignment of MRN.

If the check is successful, an Master Reference Number (MRN) will be assigned to the notification. The MRN number will be included in the confirmation message. The status ‘Registered’ will also be included in this message.

5. Processing the request

Swedish Customs will now verify that the information in the notification is correct and can form the basis of a decision in the matter.

At this point, the declarant in the notification may be required to substantiate the information provided. Supporting documents can be uploaded and submitted in Swedish Customs’ online services. If an examination of the goods is required, the declarant will be notified.

6. Receiving messages while the case is processed

The declarant will receive any digital messages sent by Swedish Customs to request supporting documents and inform that an examination of the goods will be conducted. Supporting documents should be submitted via Swedish Customs’ online service Uppladdning av handling (uploading documents). A link to this online service is included in the message; however, your company needs access to the online services.

Once any necessary examinations have concluded, the declarant will be notified of the outcome of the examination.

7. Decision to release or not release the goods

Swedish Customs will verify the correctness of the information in the notification and decide whether or not the goods may be released.

If the goods can be released, Swedish Customs will send a release decision to the declarant.

If Swedish Customs is considering not releasing the goods, the declarant will be notified. The declarant in the notification is given 30 days to lodge an appeal or opinion. If the declarant does not lodge an appeal that affects Swedish Customs’ position, a decision not to release the goods will be made, and the declarant will be notified.

8. Receiving the decision

The declarant receives the decision.

9. Permission to release the goods

If the goods are released, the storage owner will receive a release or removal notification. Storage owners will either receive this information by subscribing to the corresponding service. Alternatively, they can find the notification via Swedish Customs’ online services.

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