
Buying alcohol online

To order alcohol online, you must be at least 20. Ordering alcohol means:

  • ordering alcohol online
  • not transporting (carrying) the alcohol yourself
  • that a friend or acquaintance who is travelling abroad bringing back alcohol for you at your request.

Buying from an EU country

If you are at least 20, you may buy alcoholic goods for your/your family’s private use. Here, “family” is those nearest to you and sharing the same household (e.g. partner, spouse or cohabitant). In this connection, Swedish Customs refers to a decision of the Skåne and Blekinge appeal court (case number B2328-04, 20 April 2006). In the absence of a ruling from Sweden’s supreme court, said decision is regarded as precedential.

Paying alcohol tax

When you order alcohol online, you must pay Swedish alcohol tax to the Swedish Tax Agency before the alcohol is transported to Sweden. If you do not pay the alcohol tax before the alcohol is transported to Sweden, Swedish Customs can seize the alcoholic goods and initiate a tax investigation. If Swedish Customs seizes alcoholic goods, we always contact the consignee by letter.

Alcohol tax rates (information in swedish from the Swedish Tax Agency).

How to order alcohol from another country (information in swedish from the Swedish Tax Agency).

Whoever transports the alcohol you have ordered must physically carry a simplified administrative accompanying document. You can find this on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website.

Download Förenklat ledsagardokument (simplified administrative accompanying document) in swedish from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Buying from a country outside the EU

You may not order alcoholic goods from a country outside the EU.

From another EU country

From a country outside the EU

How much alcohol may I order?

For your/your family’s private use.

Ordering alcohol from a country outside the EU is not permitted.

Do I have to pay any charges on the alcohol?

Yes, you must pay Swedish alcohol tax.

Ordering alcohol from a country outside the EU is not permitted.

Is the country a Member State?

If you are uncertain whether the country that you are trading with is a Member State, you can visit the website of the European Union and consult a list of Member States or search for a specific country.

Country profiles (European Union)

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