Controlling the flow of goods
The task of Swedish Customs is to ensure that import and export restrictions are complied with in all areas and flows of goods. In the appropriation directions, priority is given to import and export restrictions in the areas of health, environment and safety. This includes goods such as: narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, medicines, weapons, hazardous waste, etc.
Although Swedish Customs has to prioritise its efforts, the entire flow of goods must be monitored. This requires Swedish Customs to have an overview of the flow of goods. The overall picture, which we use to prioritise controls, is based on information derived from analysis and from other enforcement agencies.
Our border protection strategy is to contribute to crime prevention through our presence, surveillance and control at the border, and to intervene when intervention is deemed to combat criminal activities. Border security checks must be based on current risk assessments and updated threat assessments. The visibility of Swedish Customs at Sweden’s borders makes it more difficult to carry out criminal activities. Social crime prevention aims to influence attitudes to narcotics and other customs-related crime. It is hoped that Customs can contribute in this way to a reduction in crime and increased acceptance of the laws that are in place.
Suspected smuggling offences are investigated by specially trained customs officers who ensure that prosecutors and courts have sufficient evidence to make a legally sound assessment of guilt. Investigations are led by the public prosecutor or, in simpler cases, by our own investigators or customs prosecutors, who may also impose fines.
Illegal import of goods is largely financed by international organised crime. Therefore, cooperation, both nationally and internationally, is an important success factor for Swedish Customs. The objectives set out in the appropriation directions are used to determine which activities the Swedish Customs should engage in. For example, Swedish Customs shall actively participate in the Swedish Government’s initiative on coordinated government action against serious organised crime (SOC).
Swedish Customs is the authority that ensures that the rules for importing or exporting goods to or from Sweden are complied with. A different authority is often responsible for setting the rules.
Swedish Customs appropriation directions for 2022 (In Swedish)
See which controls we carry out on behalf of other authorities
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