
Import declaration for end-use

When declaring imported goods using the end-use procedure you must lodge an import declaration.

Declare according to the general rules, i.e. description of goods, commodity code, customs value, procedure cods etc. Submit an import declaration using the standard procedure.

Support when lodging an import declaration for end-use

When lodging an import declaration for end-use there are some things you need to consider. Each declaration looks a bit different depending on the type of imported goods.

From 18 May 2017, the code 503S is mandatory as the national code for identifying cases that are declared under the end-use special procedure.

The national code 503S is mandatory for declarations using the preference codes 115, 123 and 140. Enter the code in Field 44, Annexes.

It is also mandatory to enter the deadline for submitting the bill of discharge. The date should be entered together with code 503S in Field 44, Annexes, using the YYYYMMDD format. The case will be rejected if the wrong date format is used.

Goods for certain types of boats and other ships, as well as for drilling or production platforms.

Field 36 – Preferences: Enter code 140 – Suspension of customs duty on the basis of the end-use of the product.

Field 37 – Procedure: Enter code 4000 (if none of the above procedures apply).

Field 44 – Annexes/Certificates and authorisations;
Enter document code C990 together with the authorisation number for end-use.

Also enter document code 503S together with the deadline for submitting the bill of discharge. The date should be entered as YYYYMMDD.

The aforementioned codes are the most common.

Civilian aircraft and parts for civilian aircraft

Field 36 – Preferences: Enter one of the following codes:
115 – Suspension of customs duty on the basis of the end-use of the product.
140 – Use for specific end-use on the basis of the Common Customs Tariff.

Field 37 – Procedure: Enter code 4000 (if none of the above procedures apply).

Field 44 – Annexes/Certificates and authorisations;
Enter document code N990 together with the authorisation number for end-use.

Also enter document code 503S together with the deadline for submitting the bill of discharge. The date should be entered as YYYYMMDD.

The aforementioned codes are the most common.

Other goods

Field 31 – Commodity description: The description of the imported goods should correspond with the information in the authorisation.

Field 33 – Commodity code: The commodity code for the imported goods should correspond with the information in the authorisation.

Field 36 – Preferences: Enter one of the following codes:
115 – Suspension of customs duty on the basis of the end-use of the product.
123 – Customs quota on the basis of the specific end-use of the product
140 – Use for specific end-use on the basis of the Common Customs Tariff.

Field 37 – Procedure: Enter code 4000 (if none of the above procedures apply).

Field 44 – Annexes/Certificates and authorisations;
Enter document code N990 together with the authorisation number for end-use.

Also enter document code 503S together with the deadline for submitting the bill of discharge. The date should be entered as YYYYMMDD.

The aforementioned codes are the most common.

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