
Future customs procedures

Amendment procedure for a simplified or supplementary declaration

Here you can find out how make changes to a simplified or supplementary declaration that you have submitted under the new import process.

Sometimes you may need to amend a simplified declaration after you have submitted it. The amendment is handled in different ways depending on the stage of the process and the status of your customs declaration:

  • Information in a simplified declaration can be amended from the moment the declaration was submitted and assigned ‘Registered’ status.
  • Once a simplified declaration has been given ‘Approved’ status, a request for amendment can be submitted.
  • When a simplified declaration has ‘Released’ status, the amendment is handled according to the process described on this page, provided that the supplementary declaration has not been submitted and received ‘Registered’ status.
  • After a supplementary declaration has been given ‘Registered’ status, an application to amend the supplementary declaration can be submitted.
  • It is not possible to request to amend the simplified declaration once the supplementary declaration has ‘Registered’ status.
  • When a supplementary declaration has Supplemented status, the amendment is handled according to the process described on this page.
  • A customs declaration with the Invalid status cannot be amended. Should you submit an amendment request to such a notification, the request will be rejected.

The procedure for amending a simplified declaration with ‘Released’ status or a supplementary declaration with ‘Supplemented’ status.

The image below shows the process for submitting an request to amend a customs declaration. Below the image, you can read descriptions of the roles and what happens at each stage.

In this context, a customs declaration is defined as follows:

  • A simplified declaration with ‘Released’ status;
  • A supplementary declaration with ‘Supplemented’ status.
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The declarant is the person who lodges a customs declaration in their own name or the person in whose name such a declaration is lodged.

In this process, the declarant is referred to as the ‘declarant in the request for amendment’.

Process description

1. Requesting to amend a customs declaration

The declarant draws an amendment request and lodges it digitally to Swedish Customs. An amendment request has the same format as a customs declaration and contains the same number of details. It should also contain the same LRN number as the customs declaration you want to amend.

2. Receiving the request

Swedish Customs receives the amendment request and verifies that the information is correctly entered.

  • In the event of errors, the request will be halted. A message will be sent to inform the declarant that the request for amendment cannot be processed.
  • If the information is correct, a message will be sent to the declarant that the request is well received.

3. The amendment request is linked to a file

In the next step, Swedish Customs’ system verifies that the status of the customs declaration allows amendments. Swedish Customs will also check that the data provided correspond with TARIC and any applicable authorisations.

If any if these entries are incorrect, for example, if a commodity code that does not exist in TARIC is used, a message will be sent to inform the declarant of the identified errors (received with errors). The declarant then has the opportunity to correct the errors and resubmit the amendment request. Once the amendment request is complete, it is linked to the existing declaration. The link is made through the LRN number.

4. Registered status

The declarant will be notified electronically that the request has been assigned Registered status.

5. Handling the amendment request

Swedish Customs checks the information in the amendment request to determine whether there are reasons for not authorising the amendment.

Swedish Customs always processes the most recently submitted amendment request. Therefore, if there is already an amendment request for the same case, which has been submitted but not yet decided, Swedish Customs will not take this first request into account. A message to this effect will be sent to the declarant.

If necessary, Swedish Customs will send a request for supporting documents to the declarant in the customs declaration.

6. Receiving a notification and, where applicable, supplementing the file

The declarant receives the digital messages that Swedish Customs sends if necessary, for example to request supporting documents.

If Swedish Customs has assessed that supporting documents need to be checked, these must be submitted via Swedish Customs' online service Uppladdning handling (Upload document). A link to the online service is included in the message, but the company you work for must have access the online services.

7. Consideration and final decision to allow or not allow the amendment request

A final decision to allow or not allow the amendment request is made.

  • If the amendment of the supplementary declaration is approved and affects the information that forms the basis of customs duties, fees or other taxes, these will be recalculated based on the amended information. A new decision will be issued.
  • If the Customs Service finds that the amendment request will have to be rejected, a consideration of this will be sent to the declarant in the amendment request, who will then have 30 days to submit an opinion.
  • If the amendment request is rejected, after the declarant in the amendment request has had the opportunity to comment, the process will be closed without any changes being made. A rejection decision will be sent to the declarant in the amendment request.
  • If the amendment request is authorised after consultation, a decision will be sent to the declarant in the amendment request.

8. Receiving a consideration and final decision on the amendment request

The declarant in the request for amendment receives a consideration and final decision on the request for amendment.

9. Information about the amendment

If the amendment is approved and affects the data filed in a previous approval for release or removal, the warehouse keeper will be informed via an updated notification.

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